My Experience Join Program Bangkit 2022!


Hello!! I am Amar Luthfi when this article was published, I am still an active student in semester 8 (aka final semester). The purpose of writing this latest article is that I want to share my experience while participating in the Bangkit 2022 program. Previously I had also registered for this program in 2021 but I still didn't qualify, as I recall that year Bangkit was still not part of the MSIB program from the Merdeka Campus but in collaboration with the Best Universities in Indonesia. Ok! because now I can feel the atmosphere I will share my own testimony.

Of the 2021 experience made me not have high expectations. I didn't expect to be part of the 3000 participants in the Bangkit program. That's a big number. Actually, I was stated on the Waiting List first. So, that's a good reason not to have high expectations, because in order to qualify, there must be participants who withdrew. What's more, I don't know where I am on the waiting list. And finally I got an announcement that I passed the Bangkit program on the Merdeka Campus platform.

The program is running, I and 3099 other participants joined this program from the Opening Session stage of Team Bangkit to help cohorts achieve the goals expected from this program. We were notified that all information would be submitted via email. The email we used was given directly by the Bangkit team (not a personal account). We were told the rules or guide lines that participants need to pay attention to. We have a discussion forum on Discord (official from Bangkit). We are also given a facilitator or in the world of school we can be likened to a Guardian Lecturer or BK teacher who does have the task of guiding and providing assistance when the cohorts experience problems.


The Bangkit Program has Three Learning Paths, and each participant can only choose one learning path. The learning paths provided are Mobile Development (Android), Machine Learning and Cloud Computing. We only need to focus on each learning theme that we choose so that this will be our provision for the Final Project. Actually, Bangkit requires its participants to participate and be active in the Soft Skill class. This class may be slightly obtained by participants who have a background as an IT student at their home university. Because while taking this Soft Skill class I have additional non-technical information that is very useful. If you think soft skills are the same as public speaking, I can argue that your world is too narrow. I learned to know my personality, time management, build self branding to learn about business. This will be useful if you want to become a person who masters soft skills and hard skills. Especially if you want to build a startup.

Just like when we are studying in class when we are in college or school, there are materials, assignments, quizzes and exams. For me personally, collecting assignments and quizzes is easy because the questions given do not deviate from the discussion. The challenge is that we must be able to work through the stages of class by class or material by material without forgetting the material that has been given previously and not doing a SPEED RUN. What's that? Usually this is done if you often postpone work or activities or ninja Deadliners. Actually there is nothing wrong with doing that, but maybe later it will become an obstacle because we don't pay much attention to what material and what practices we have done.

I have said above that there will be a Final Project. In the Bangkit program, this final project is called the Capstone Project where each participant will be mixed from a different Learning Path. Like 2 Mobile Development people, 2 Machine Learning people and 2 Cloud Computing people. The maximum team has 6 people and each Learning path is a maximum of 3 people. So you can measure it yourself. The purpose of this Capstone Project is to measure our skills in building an application that will allow us to create new startups. That's why if we often do SPEED RUN maybe we can't do the final project well or maybe we become a burden on the team (it does exist). This activity is not only limited to building applications but also using our soft skills to convey business opportunities from our projects and expose them to the public.

It may sound boring or it may seem difficult to follow. Hmm, it's okay if you think about it, but what we do is not necessarily to become graduates of the Awakening Program. Because there are prizes waiting for participants who are able to collect as many points as possible. Points are obtained from all the activities that you go through, not just attendance that counts... but also your activity during class sessions and events organized by the Bangkit team. Prizes that you might get, in the form of Earphones, Jackets, T-shirts, Thumbler Digital, Mugs, Pockets and others. The more points the more prizes you can exchange and vice versa.


You should be interested in this program, there are many benefits and stories that cannot be described in words. Oh yeah.. did I tell you that this program is supported by Google, Traveloka and GoTo? Besides that, there's a career fair, you know... xixixi If you're a fresh graduate, it's okay if you join this program.

Any question?

Comment below ya...
